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Write Here Series

Complete List of Writing Prompts from Creators Hub

List of prompts updated regularly

P. Venkat Raman


Image by Lukas Bieri from Pixabay

This post is a capture of all the writing prompts started by Jolie A. Doggett in creators-hub primarily as help to new writers in avoiding writer’s block and also garnering wider readership. As of September 29, per this Write Here Wednesday post, Amy Shearn is taking over the management of this series.

The scheme is simple: Every Monday, three new prompts would be revealed. You can write essays for each of them that week. Publish them anywhere, but apply the Writehere tag (among others) to each of these posts to participate in this challenge. Noteworthy submissions would be showcased in the Write Here Wednesday (WHW) posts. [I am not covering the WHW posts here, however.]

If you are getting a late start like me, this list will help you with quick access to the prompts to work on. I plan to keep this list up-to-date as new prompts are released.

This series started with this post on June 28, 2021.

I am organizing the list below in reverse chronological order so that newer prompts require less scrolling. That’s it!

I find such a compact list useful. I hope you do too.



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